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Learning Resources

 1) How to make a poster using Adobe Photoshop CS5
( Smoke Effects )

           Please take a look on this video, this effect was so awesome ! Sometimes we want to try something new and for me this smoke effect is very interesting and cool. This video will guide you from the beginning until the end and we just have to follow the steps shown. Actually you have to download this effect first and then you insert it into your photoshop. Once you manage to do it you will feel very satisfied! 

2)  Practices on Educational Psychology subject.

( click the image to enlarge )

As you can see, this website provide so many practices for each chapter. For those who are taking this subject you can refer to this website http://www.mhhe.com/socscience/education/santrock3e/praxis/praxis_by_subject/praxis_by_chapter.htm to make a quick revision and to help your understanding according to the syllabus. It is very helpful ! To be honest I love this subject too because we learn on how to teach and cope with the children based on their age and level of thinking.

3) Arabic grammar learning.

( click the image to enlarge )

As Im one of the arabic student courses, the crucial part is we have to know well the grammar of arabic and I swear it is not very hard and not very easy. I believe that we have the fundamental or basic of this language as we learnt arabic since primary school until now on but the question is are we still remember ? So I found this video on youtube. After I watched this video it is easier for me to recall back all the information about arabic grammar or we called ( nahu ) . They make the video separately according to the topic so you can choose what topic you want to watch. You can click the link under the image above to watch full video.

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